Kareem Ayub, University of Texas at Dallas
Kareem Ayub
University of Texas at Dallas

My name is Kareem Ayub and I am a senior at the University of Texas at Dallas pursuing a bachelor's in information technology systems. Throughout my academic journey, I've been fortunate to be surrounded by a diverse group of peers and mentors who have enriched my perspective and fueled my passion for IT. Outside the classroom, my involvement in various tech clubs and organizations has been driven by a deep-seated passion for e-commerce. Engaging in projects and discussions related to e-commerce has not only honed my technical skills but also highlighted the significance of teamwork, leadership, and continuous learning in the field. As I delve deeper into the world of online business, I am constantly reminded of its transformative power and potential, and I am committed to being at the forefront of its innovations.

My Sessions
The Talent of Tomorrow: Global Mobility Student Case Competition Final and Audience Vote
Nine Kings