Lucy Foster, IMPACT Group
Lucy Foster
Global Career/Transition Coach & Global Account Manager

Lucy Foster has served as a Global Career and Transition coach for IMPACT Group since 2012, where she was our Dubai based consultant. She expanded her role to Global Account Manager in 2017 but also remains an active IMPACT Group coach for our Relocation and Outplacement divisions. She enjoys sharing her international relocation experience, cultural knowledge, and consulting skills with the individuals she serves. She holds a Certificate in Personnel Practice (CPP) and Coaching Certification from the UK Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, and she is experienced in recruitment, HR general practice, and outplacement. Over the years, Lucy has coached a wide variety of professionals, from corporate leaders to new graduates.

The child of expatriates, Lucy spent much of her childhood and early career in Russia, working for the British Embassy in Moscow, and later, post graduation, as Project Administrator for the building of the New British Embassy. This experience provided her with valuable insights into the challenges of living and working in a foreign environment, cultural agility and understanding, both from attending an international school as a child, and later through her work experience.

She then relocated to London, where she worked as a recruitment consultant, helping job seekers successfully navigate the job search process, and corporate clients to fulfill their talent requirements. Her next position was in outplacement, which formally introduced her to career coaching and helping people manage change in a positive way during major life transitions.

Lucy has travelled extensively, for work and for pleasure. As well as living in Russia and Australia she also spent time in Bangladesh while her parents were working there. She lived in Dubai, UAE with her husband and two children from 2010 to 2015, and used this as an opportunity to explore the Middle East region. It also gave her personal experience of the challenges of relocating a family, including children to a new country, and subsequently the repatriation process, which is equally difficult.

Lucy has used this invaluable insight to help develop our Children’s transition coaching She now lives in York in the north of England with her family. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her children, reading, and playing golf. She also loves to travel as much as she can!

My Sessions
Corporates-only Sponsored Case Study Roundtables:
Nine Kings Ballroom